To many, the prospect of carrying a 25kg pack on your back up and over hilltops is enough to put them off tramping entirely. However, the concept of ultralight camping is an option, aided through technological advancement, which is attracting more and more people to the great outdoors. However, an ultralight venture should not be whimsically undertaken, as you could find yourself in a lot of trouble.
To the backpacking novice, the ultralight option would prove a challenge. Due to the weight of comfy mattresses and elaborate tents, comfort is sacrificed for weight. Some hikers may even go as far as building their own shelter, or simply bringing a tarpaulin to stay dry under. However, for those just starting out, it pays to stick with the basics. Sleeping pads which can be inflated and small tents with carbon fibre poles are a great start in minimising weight. As well as this, ensure that your pack is light - you can now find packs over 60 litres that are under 2 kg.
In order to minimise pack weight, meticulously plan what you will take - no rushed packing the night before. When tramping with a group, share the weight amongst you. For example, one person carries the tent, and another carries the polls. An often overlooked factor in making tramping easier is dealing with the weight that you are carrying on yourself. If you feel you can lose a couple of kg, without jeopardising your health or physical performance, it will certainly make your hiking experience a more enjoyable one.
Forget pillows and duvets - those things are for city dwellers, not for rough, tough adventurers such as you. The most widely acclaimed camping pillow is comprised of a pillowcase and your own clothing. Since most camp in the warmer summer months, you can purchase a light weight sleeping bag which will also help save precious pack space.
So get out there and enjoy your ultra-light backpacking experience, and remember, only take out what you bring in - leave behind nothing but foot prints! And never sacrifice safety or pack weight, a light backpack want seem so great when you are lost without a compass.
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